Sponsors & Exhibitors Invitation
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IANE, we would like to invite your organization to take part in this event as sponsor or exhibitor.

Why the Virtual Experience?
To adapt to the current situation, the 7th International Conference on Neurology and Epidemiology decided to transform the Conference into a fully on-line event, to offer the Neurology Community the possibility to have a real experience through a renovated approach.
The aim is to provide a platform for networking and knowledge exchange among scientists, researchers and industry related to Neurological disorders.
Various levels of involvement are outlined in this prospectus. If there are other ways in which you would like to participate, we would be very happy to discuss with you.

What does a virtual event mean in practice?
The platform will provide a Virtual Exhibit Area that will host virtual booths, enhanced with service packages reserved to Sponsors. It may contain digital content such as marketing communication, documents, infographics, videos that companies wish to share. Participants will be able to join digital surveys proposed by the Sponsors and there will be virtual meeting rooms to organize and host meetings or videoconferences with Participants and Stakeholders.

Will the networking be as good?
We’re introducing new formats to suit the digital event including live debates, meeting rooms, Q&A system. You can also arrange video meetings or calls with any interested attendees, or any attendee who is available to be contacted for 2 weeks before the event, during the event and 2 weeks after the event. We are confident of providing our attendees with the same fantastic benefits expected from a physical event plus some extras.

Attendees’ profile
It is expected that the online ICNE2021 conference will attract some 500 attendees from over 40 countries:
- Europe and the Americas 60%
- Asia 30%
- Middle East 5%
- Others 5%
We look forward to welcoming you to the ICNE 2021 online
We really hope you will join us.
Time's running out!
Working hours
Mo-Fri: 9:00-17:00
Conference secretariat
Professional Congress Organizer
Mazurkas Congress Management
Al. Wojska Polskiego 27
01-515 Warsaw, Poland